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Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Fixing You do not have enough access privileges for this operation Error - 45054

I wrote a quick blog the other day named:

"Fixing iTunes You do not have enough access privileges for this operation Error - 45054"

I've had a reply from a user on the Apple Support Communities:

" It fixed DiskWarrior "

So if your having privilege problems with Disk Warrior, please try out the  Shared folder fix.

If this fixed your problem and saved you valuable time please consider making a small donation using the Donate button at the top of the right hand column. Even a few dollars really helps and we all know how expensive it is to call an expert in.  But if you don't wish to donate thats fine but it would useful if you could give the fix a thumbs up and pop back to leave a message.

Please check out my other videos and blogs.

Many Thanks


Fixing iTunes 45054 Part 2 - What To Do If The Shared Folder Already Exists?


I'm really happy that my itunes fix is helping so many of you.  I've received some comments to a posting on the Apple Community from those who have looked for and found the Shared folder and are a little stuck as what to do.

If the folder already exists then skip the mkdir step:

Go straight to the chmod section:

To make the folder fully accessible your use the Unix command  chmod  to and set it to the folders permissions and privileges to 1777 (if your running Mac OS 10.6 as I am here).  If your running Mac OS 10.5 use the code 777)  These codes give the shared folder a kind of 'Universal Donor' status so it can be used by other programs and processes, sort of permissions to all.

So at the Terminal Prompt now type:

sudo chmod 1777 /Users/Shared

Then try to start iTunes, it really should work.  If it doesn't use the disk Utilities to repair your permissions and then restart your machine a try again.

If this fixed your problem and saved you valuable time please consider making a small donation using the Donate button at the top of the right hand column. Even a few dollars really helps and we all know how expensive it is to call an expert in.  But if you don't wish to donate thats fine but it would useful if you could give the fix a thumbs up and pop back to leave a message.

Please check out my other videos and blogs.  

Many Thanks 


Monday, 28 October 2013

Fixing iTunes You do not have enough access privileges for this operation Error - 45054

One of my fixed1t software users did an update which included iTunes with a view to moving to Mavericks.  He then went to open iTunes to test it out but it totally refused to work and displayed the following dialogue:

You do not have enough access privileges for this operation
Clicking OK then brought up the following Dialogue:

An unknown error occurred (-45054)
He asked if I could kindly take a look into it and I have 'Another fixed1t Software Solution.

Looking at the relevant iTunes files and associated files and folders I spotted that the Users folder was missing an innocuous System Folder named Shared that needs to be present in the Users Folder.

Screen capture of Users folder - No Shared folder is present

Here is the youtube video I created to enable me to fix this problem, I hope it helps you.

Once you've complete the instruction in the video and go  back to the Applications Folder and open iTunes it should now spring back into life with the errors gone, it worked for me.

As with all system fixes, it would be advisable to logout and log back in again to see if it still works.  If it doesn't rebuild and fix the disc permissions.

I'll do another blog about that shortly.

If you a Garageband User check out my converter and sample/loop extractor videos on youtube.

fixed1t mac garageband to iPad converter video

If this fixed your problem and saved you valuable time please consider making a small donation using the Donate button at the top of the right hand column. Even a few dollars really helps and we all know how expensive it is to call an expert in.  But if you don't wish to donate thats fine but it would useful if you could give the fix a thumbs up and pop back to leave a message.

Please check out my other videos and blogs.  

Many Thanks 
