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Thursday 12 May 2016

iMovie and Final Cut Pro Import Error Upload Problems


I've figured out why I have occasional problems with rogue imports on Mac iMovie and Final Cut Pro, it comes about when I am reviewing the content of one of the clips and I impatiently hit import, I know its this I've just impatiently done it again LOL whilst importing a 3D side by side video clip of a microscopic Red Ants Nest on my lawn.

Final Cut Pro Picture showing huge import in progress

Rather than importing just the clip or section of clip I want it starts downloading all the footage in the devices. The automatic response to this is to cancel the import by hitting escape. But the problem is that the system has already downloaded the thumbnails and details of the clips, even if it hasn't yet downloaded the clips. 

iMovie showing missing video originals problem

These then become a block on future importing. The broken files then prevent you from uploading the video and can lead to missing images . #fixed1tMACsupport