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Sunday, 19 October 2014

How To Zip A Mac Garageband Song File And Move It To Dropbox

If you are a mac user and need to ZIP a file and send it to a Dropbox, here is how to do it in a few mouse clicks. This video use Garageband as an example as the files are huge.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Preventing Google Chrome From Auto Launching At Startup

The latest version of Google Chrome seems to want to Auto Launch on the Apple Mac, here's how to stop it happening.


Friday, 3 October 2014

Making Kindle On iPad Read Out Loud To Me

This video is about how I make Kindle On iPad Read Out Loud To Me. If you have a busy life, and lots of reading to do then why not get your iPad to read the book out loud to you. This is great if your commuting and have been handed large pdf's to read for a meeting tomorrow!!

Also if you, a sibling, a relative or a friend is dyslexic, visually impaired or has some other difficulty that makes it difficult to read the printed word effectively, then this is the fixed1t tip for you.

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