Due To Lack Of Disk Space From Making YouTube Videos!
I hadn't been able to back off my 64gb iPhone 5s
In trying to change the battery on an eBay purchased working 5s I discovered problems and damage inside and when I put it back together the touchscreen stopped working. Despite having set up fingerprint control so I could get access without typing in the passkey word I discovered that this is de-ativated when the iPhone is restarted, So therefore I am locked out.
Here is what I did when I had the passcode but no working Touchscreen To Enter It At The Prompt - Besides PANIC
In the video I used a standard cable but it was a bit limiting for other use I find this cable works better and is a full power and sync cable of good quality.
If you don't have a cable Apple Keyboard but want one this is an excellent keyboard with all the keys in the right places and with the correct Apple legends:
If you don't have a suitable Powered USB Hub this one is a good choice, its high powered USB3 and has excellent reviews.
I cannot guarantee the above items will work for you, but they are all good quality items which should theoretically do the job.