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Wednesday, 1 July 2015

fixed1t Playlist For Mac Google Chrome And Google Bookmarks Issues

A number of people have been having problems finding the appropriate directory for Google Chrome Bookmark Issues, so I have put all of the videos in a single fixed1t Youtube playlist.

To get to it click on the link below.

Please do not skip through the video thinking that you know whats coming next, If I could cram it into the first 30 seconds and make it understandable I would have done, its long for a reason.  The main reason for the length and slow pace is so that its slow enough for watchers to follow and mimic the actions on their own machine to get to the same solution.

If you skip about you may miss a crucial step

I know its hard to be patient and not to jump to conclusions, but trust me, you'll get to the solution quicker if you watch the whole video before skipping about.

Google Chrome And Google Bookmarks Issues


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