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Wednesday, 16 August 2017

SOPHOS Anti-Virus For Apple Computers

I'd used SOPHOS on the PC very successfully for many years, so I thought I'd give it a try out on my Apple MacBook Pro.  I had problems installing it on SIERRA due to the Apple OSX increased security since OSX9 and the SOPHOS instruction were somewhat vague.

In my usual #fixed1tMACsupport manner I set out finding a good way to get over the installation bug.

Here is the fix:

Once SOPHOS is installed correctly, as shown in the video above, then it works like a charm.

I ran it overnight and it worked its way through over 32 million files.  Not only does it spot and kill viruses but it also finds and removes adware and sneaky programs, it found Genieo on my system:

Its one of those programs that claims to be useful but isn't and is a bugger to remove.  SOPHOS removed it and 24 other Threats.

The best news about SOPHOS is its free and it works.

Please Note: I have a large collection of tried and tested #fixed1tMACsupport videos in a #fixed1t YouTube playlist:

on a range of tricky topics that can stop even the most serious users in their tracks.  So if you get some spare time rather than watching the latest crazy cat or dog video watch my fixes.  Forewarned will save you a lot of time should one of the problems arise.


Sophos Mac Installation Bug Fix How To

This video is about How To Fix the Sophos Mac Installation Bug. This will enable users to install the free SOPHOS HOME anti-virus software.  This is a known bug, and my fix is simple. #fixed1tMACsupport