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Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Removing Sticky Perished Rubberised Coating Easily

Removing Sticky Perished Rubberised Coating Easily

Over the years manufacturers have been attempting to make their gadgets and devices easier to handle by applying a non-slip rubberised coating to them

This worked really well and stopped users having to use excessive pressure to hold them and prevented droppage

Over time this coating can break down into a horrible sticky mess making the item unuseable without gloves

This is how I remove it and successfully fix the device!


Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Unlocking A Locked iPhone With Broken Touchscreen - update

Since making and uploading this video, Youtube has presented me with many others which claim to enable you to get access using the HOME button and restarting.

Be Aware That All Of These Will Completely Wipe Your iPhone And Set It Back To Factory Settings - this means that unless the iPhone has been completely Backed Up recently, you will lose everything.

Also, if you have forgotten your iCLOUD password and you do a factory reset, you phone will lock up and lock you out when you connect to iTunes and therefore iCLOUD

This Will Turn Your Phone Into A Very Expensive BRICK

Its much safer to use my method:

Unlocking A Locked iPhone With Broken Touchscreen


Monday, 26 December 2016

Unlocking A Locked iPhone With Broken Touchscreen

Unlocking A Locked iPhone With Broken Touchscreen

Due To Lack Of Disk Space From Making YouTube Videos!

I hadn't been able to back off my 64gb iPhone 5s

In trying to change the battery on an eBay purchased working 5s I discovered problems and damage inside and when I put it back together the touchscreen stopped working.  Despite having set up fingerprint control so I could get access without typing in the passkey word I discovered that this is de-ativated when the iPhone is restarted, So therefore I am locked out.

Here is what I did when I had the passcode but a non working Touchscreen To Enter It At The Prompt - Besides PANIC


Here is the UK link to the Lightening to USB socket converter I successfully used in the video above:

If your in the USA you can get it here from Amazon using the link below:

As you can see, when set up as shown in the video above, it worked for me.


Saturday, 24 December 2016

You Can Not Be Serious - Oh I Don't Believe It

All of us like a bargain, but one of the things that can change a bargain into disaster for partially sighted people is the descriptions that people use on eBay and elsewhere to describe their saleable item.

One of the issues is the idea of consensus of opinion, you assume that Fully Working means that the item works fully, don't you?  Or that Decent Condition means that it looks like it did originally with a few scrapes and signs of age.

But not everybody's notion of DECENT CONDITION is the same:

Forgive me if you agree with the seller, what kind of DECENT CONDITION is this?

Share this if you agree that eBay and other selling platforms should clamp down on the descriptions of items being sold, and that they should insist that the item is the one in the picture.  But as I started this rant with, if your partially sighted the picture may not help, but a accurate and honest description would.


Friday, 23 December 2016

How To Set Auto Lock Time In iPhone Os10

How To Set Auto Lock Time In iPhone Os10

iPhone Os10 Upgrade Created A Support Problem - Where Have The Software Developers Put The AUTO-LOCK SETTING PAGE

This had me stumped after a reinstall left me with a 1 minute Auto-Lock Nightmare, with my iPhone 5 closing down as I was trying to sync with it.

This Video Shows You How To Find The Newly Hidden Page
