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Monday, 23 February 2015

Apple Mac Support fixed1t YouTube Video Playlist


To make things easier I have begun grouping more of my #fixed1t Youtube videos into coherent Playlists, so they are easier to find and follow.

Below is the link for the:

I hope you find it useful, if you like the videos or find them useful then please leave a comment and a thumbs up.


How To Select And Set The Video Posterframe Thumbnail In iMovie 10

How To Select And Set The Video Posterframe Thumbnail In iMovie 10. The Posterframe is the initial frame used in the Video Still Image. It's stupidly hidden in full view and isn't in the Menus or Help File.

Please check out my other Mac Support videos using the Purple Link in the top right-hand former of this video.


Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Internet Security - Part 1 - Protecting Family From Laptop Camera Hack

I hope you've all covered your laptop camera's this wasn't a joke!


Deleting New Google Maps Search Boxes

I found myself pulling my hair out trying to search for a hospital in Northamptonshire with the 'New Google Maps' as every time I got close the stupid 'nay idiotic' search and information boxes would cover the area I wanted to see. So I figured it out and here is a short video showing how to delete the awful search and information boxes on the New Google Maps software.  Here is how to get back to the original simple classic version, click on the picture below:

fixed1t Apple Mac Support Renamed To Apple Mac Support Fixes

fixed1t Apple Mac Support Renamed To Apple Mac Support Fixes

Hi, as you know I've been publishing 'Working' Mac Support Fixes and associated 'How I Do It' Youtube videos for some years, but realised that having fixed1t at the start of the title reduced Blog traffic and views.

Therefore, I've renamed the Blog to:

Apple Mac Support Fixes 

Please delete your previous fixed1t Mac Support Bookmark and updated your bookmarks to this page.  I've also taken the opportunity to embed some links in some of my youtube videos, as a banner note in the top right hand corner, to take you to a playlist of fixed1t videos on the related topic, so you won't have to search around for the next videos.  Please try it out by selecting one of my recent Apple Mac Yosemite videos and let me know if this works. by leaving a note on this post, thanks.

I've also decided this blog shouldn't only be about the fixes I've already created, but should be an active tool for others to post items on, so if you find an Apple Mac Support problem that you'd like me to investigate and try and find a fix for, just post a question on this Blog and I'll try and take a look, if I solve it I'll post the solution.

Thanks for your continued support.

Malcolm (aka fixed1t)

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Clean Installing OS X Yosemite On An External Hard Disk

Don't risk installing a Yosemite over a working system install it on an external drive for testing first, thats what I do.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Yosemite Google Chrome Bookmarks Recovery

If you have installed Yosemite and accidentally deleted your Google Chrome Bookmarks this is a method I worked out to recover mine.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Beware of cleverly worded bogus apple technical support answers, although in this case they sent German to me in England (rem I'm English fools is usually a give away) they state that your technical support calls has been cancelled, and invite you to click on the link to verify the query.  With a bogus like to Apple support.  If you haven't requested technical support for anything it bogus, and likely to infect your machine.

While your here please check out my other mac support and other blog topics.
